I received my F25 on 26 November - the first retail customer at my garage - and have been having fun ever since.
2.0d, auto and $ of options (no packages yet in CH).
First impressions:
- better built
- handles & rides well
- bigger size allows family transportation
- HUD graphics improved
- cheap plastic trim on bottom half of interior
- expensive to spec to a decent level
- 2.0d is noisy on the outside (but OK inside)
- media adaptor for USB 'skips' occasionally
Overall, the 5 series is still a better car, and you need to adapt from running a 6 cylinder petrol (not as smooth or as much power - our comparison is probably unfair - an E60 530i and Z4 3.0i).
Anyway, it offers everything you need for a family car - big enough for your family 'stuff', small enough so your spouse can park it. Economy is good - and the auto is a must have.
In the last weeks the car has been to Klosters and is fine in the snow, plus down to Greece for a pre-Xmas run. A total of 3000 km
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