الجمعة، 18 فبراير 2011

A Euro Delivery trip of epic proportions

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Sometimes dreams do come true. Mine certainly has. I have just finalized my purchase of a 2010 335i Coupe scheduled for European Delivery. I ordered it with M-Sport in Le Mans Blue, with Saddle Brown interior and most of the options on the list outside of the AT, Cold Weather and a few others I deemed not necessary (not much use for heated seats in Texas

It's not too often that one gets to go on a European driving vacation with a nice car waiting for you, so, I decided to forgo the packaged BMW travel plans and make my own. Throughout my journey I will be visiting Munich (of course), Berlin, Frankfurt, the Rhine river valley, the Kaiserslautern area, Prague, Vienna, Innsbruck, Zurich, Geneva, Interlaken, Liechtenstein, parts of Luxembourg, and Belgium, ending off with a few days in Amsterdam for Queen's Day. If you've not heard of Queen's Day in Holland, it's a two day city/country wide party celebrating the birthday of the last queen of Holland

During all this time, I will be making two separate trips to Nurburgring, and attempt a run at the Stelvio Pass (Top Gears former 'Best Driving Road') assuming the pass isn't closed. Unfortunately, from the looks of the web cams they have posted at the top, it may still be closed by the time I get there. Here's hoping.

All told I will be driving over 3,500 miles through 12 different countries for 28 days. I plan on documenting the whole thing in photo and video, and keeping updates posted as often as I can. I can't think of a better way to break in a new car!

Update: 27 March
"When Life hands you lemons, make lemonade."
I'm sure you've all heard that expression before, and that's exactly what I did. Recently my brother lost his job. So, I've decided, with all his new found 'off time' to treat him to a European vacation. I bought him a plane ticket, and booked the hotels so he can join me on this little adventure. When I told him about it, he said he felt like he'd just won the lottery!

07 April - Munich
Made it to Germany without a hitch. Met up with my brother in Frankfurt International before going on to Munich. They are giving away 135i race cars at the Frankfurt airport. Not quite M3 GT2 quality, but nicely built none the less. Already enjoying everything Munich has to offer. Ate at the famous Hofbrauhous, complete with the 1L beer mugs.

Walked through Olympia park on the way over to BMW Welt and enjoyed the scenery on the way. BMW Welt is amazing to say the least. Included in the Euro Delivery package are full explanation of all your cars systems, Museum and Plant tour, 25 Euro worth of discounts between the restaurant and the gift shop, and a free custom engraved key chain. It turns out that the information posted on BMW's website about the plant being closed was wrong, and I was able to take the plant tour. Unfortunately there are no cameras allowed in the plant, trade secrets and all. After taking delivery of my car, I took it out for a spin around Munich before coming back to check out the Museum. It came as a bit of a surprise, but even in Munich, home of BMW, my car was still turning heads and getting stares

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