الثلاثاء، 8 فبراير 2011

TV host Jonathan Ross suffers head injuries in Top Gear crash

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A CONTROVERSIAL TV host has been injured filming an episode for Top Gear.

Jonathan Ross spun his car after he lost control of his Kia Cee'd at 145km/h in the BBC program's Star In A Reasonably Priced Car segment.

Ross suffered a significant head injury and he was treated by paramedics at the scene, The People newspaper in the UK reported.

The 50-year-old Ross, who has a new chat show in the UK this year, refused to go to hospital and is believed to have insisted on finishing his lap after being given the all clear.

"My head banged all over the place and it’s still ­really hurting now. I was coming round one of the corners where you have to be flat out and it started raining," Ross told the newspaper.

"The back end went out and I spun out of control. It was almost a write-off. I was having big problems with the gearbox and kept shoving it into fifth when I wanted third. It could have been a lot worse and my head is still killing me."

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