الاثنين، 21 فبراير 2011

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The 6,000-seat velodrome for the 2012 London Olympics and Paralympics will open on Tuesday.

The venue for indoor cycling and BMX events is the first to be completed at the Olympic Park in east London.

Chris Hoy, who won three cycling gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Games, helped in the design of the velodrome.

"I believe the new velodrome is going to be the best in the world. I can't actually wait until 2012 when I can compete on it," Hoy said.

"It will be nice when we turn up on race day for the first day of competition at the Olympics

All of the Union Jacks will be out and, hopefully, the noise and the atmosphere will give us an advantage - maybe put the fear of death into the other countries too

The Olympic Delivery Authority started construction work on the velodrome in March 2009 and the venue is in line to stage a test event in early 2012.

The stadium will have a 360 degree public concourse for viewing races and, after the Games, a road cycle circuit and mountain bike course will be added to it so the park can be used by everyone.

Hoy added: "The 360 degree seating means that no matter where you are in the stadium you can see the full track and there's seats the whole way around.

"So, instead of having noise in the back-straight and the home-straight as you go around you get this wall of noise the whole way and it creates this gladiatorial arena."

Track cycling was Great Britain's most successful discipline in Beijing with Hoy's haul and four other titles accounting for more than a third of Team GB's overall total of 19 gold medals.

Britain will be pushing to beat that at London 2012 when a rule change means only one rider/team per nation is allowed to compete in each of 10 track cycling events

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