الأحد، 6 فبراير 2011

Ferrari Going Through Financial Troubles

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For months now we have watched as some of the largest automakers have been struggling to make end meat. But during this whole time Ferrari has been telling the whole world that they are not having any problems and are managing just fine. Obviously they were just saying this to keep up face – but this isn’t the case.

This week they announced their plans to lay off 10% from their workforce. This news came after they announced that their sales had dropped from 600 unit’s a month to only 92 sales around the world. In a chance to keep away any large piles of inventory and parts Ferrari has announced a 20 day holiday in which they will shut down.

Their inventory is already backing up even though they have just released the California, announced the new Scuderia Spider 16M, and have a two year waiting list for many of its products. Sources say that the sales for the V12 models have stalled and the sales for the F430 are lower than normal.

Ferrari is saying that part of the reason is because this is a naturally slow time of year for them. But it is no doubt that they are also suffering like everyone else. Maybe this will lead to lower prices for many of their models? We can only hope!

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